Podcast Episodes 4 & 5 – UFOs and UAPs
In this episode, we delve into the phenomena of UFOs and UAPs. We explore two sides of this issue: those who believe a real phenomena exists and should be taken seriously due to the implications, and those who believe the phenomena does not exist.
Episode 4 Show Notes
For decades witnesses all over the world have reported sightings of unexplained aerial craft performing maneuvers outside the realm of possibility within the confines of our known laws of physics and within the parameters of what our technology can produce, even within the super secret programs within our militaries.
The U.S. government has a history of dismissing or debunking these reports, even the small percentage that are highly credible in source and nature. This changed in 2017 when the New York Times published an article that contained leaked videos from the Pentagon showing this very phenomena.
Travis and Christina discuss this topic at length, so much so, it had to be made into two episodes. They get into some metaphysical and existential areas towards the end. This is by no means an episode that covers everything related to this topic, it only skims the surface. Hopefully Travis can stay grounded enough in each episode to not go down too many rabbit holes, but if he does, please be gracious with him. He’ll make his way out eventually.
Source Material Mentioned:
Wild Things – Space Invaders Podcast
Leslie Kean Book – UFOs – Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go On The Record. If there is one book to read about this subject, this is the one. Well worth it. Most public libraries have it. That’s how I read it.
Recommended Documentaries:
Out of the Blue – By James Fox
I know what I saw – By James Fox
Phenomenon – By James Fox
Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton
Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers – By Jeremy Corbell
Believers In Phenomenon
Leslie Kean Book: UFOs – Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/201625/ufos-by-leslie-kean/
Non-Believers in the Phenomenon
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Wild Things – Space Invaders Podcast: https://www.foxtopus.ink/space-invaders
Those who do believe the phenomenon exist.
There is substantial evidence to the phenomenon from creditable sources such as eyewitness testimony, governmental programs and documents, photograph, physical, and video evidence.
The government is aware of the phenomenon and has kept their knowledge from the public.
The government has recovered craft not from this world and has been working on reverse engineering the technology for decades. Keeping this technology from the public is morally wrong since the type of technology believed to be had could eliminate the need for fossil fuels, etc.
Some believe the phenomenon exist but doesn’t necessarily mean alien. There could be an inter-dimensional component to the phenomenon, or it is all made by humans and consist of technology that is hundreds of years in the future advanced.
The Government has created a lot of disinformation over the years to either keep the truth about extraterrestrials from the public for various reasons or concocted the alien narrative to cover what they are developing technology wise.
Open mindedness
Government transparency and oversight.
Those who do not believe the phenomenon exists.
One belief is that UFOs or UAPs do not exist. There’s another, which is the most popular on this side of the debate and that is UFO or UAPs do exist, but can all be explained by the following:
All sightings are either misidentified human made aircraft or other scientific explanations given by officials such as: bright stars/planets, meteors, balloons, satellites, swamp gas, Fata Morgana, hallucinations, clouds, ball lightning, upper atmospheric lightning and so on.
Many believe The Term UFO is synonymous with Aliens and therefore “not real”.
The Laws of physics makes intergalactic travel highly illogical since it would take thousands of years to travel to other solar systems and millions of years to travel to other galaxies due to our knowledge of nothing can travel beyond the speed of light.
There is no photo or physical scientific evidence for UFOs that can be proven authentic.
Group hysteria can be attributed to people seeing things in the sky.
Believe there is no credible evidence to believe in extraterrestrials.
Some Christians believe it is impossible for Aliens to exist. (Not sure about other religions)
Some people believe highly evolved intelligent life-forms living on other planets on other galaxies is possible, but we have not seen any and they have not visited here due to restrictions in physics.
People who believe in UFOs are crazy, nuts, not credible.
All the testimonies from eyewitnesses are not credible or are hoaxes.
ional References
Dr. Steven Greer – https://siriusdisclosure.com/about-us/#drgreer
Two of his documentaries that I watched were: Unacknowledged, and Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind.
Favorite sightings of Travis:
The Phoenix Lights
Foo Fighters
Japan Flight 1628
The Ariel School UFO Encounter Ruwa, Zimbabwe – Investigated by John Mack
Rendlesham Forest Incident
Belgium UFO Wave
Hudson Valley UFO
New York Times article: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/23/us/politics/pentagon-ufo-harry-reid-navy.html – The Government admits there are unidentified objects